Sometimes We Just Can’t

This was a hard blog to put together because I had this vision of how I thought the school year would go and the fun and exciting things that my kids would get to experience, but it hasn’t been that easy. In fact, I always feel like when we finally get to take one step […]

Wallet “Waste-Watcher”

In today’s economy we are all feeling the pinch to our wallets and bank accounts. It’s crazy to think we live in a world where one stick of deodorant, on sale, is over $7, eggs were at almost $5/doz a few months ago and gas (near me) floats near $4/gal. There are many across the […]

The Summer of Projects!

The Summer of Projects When we think of summer, visions of backyard bar-b-ques, late night bonfires, spending time outdoors, summer vacations, ice cream cones and watermelons all come to mind. I love the laid-back and relaxed schedule with late dinners and late-night movies. But, sadly for me, this was not quite that kind of summer. […]

I Survived Maycember!!!

This year was the first I have ever heard the term “Maycember”. Who knew just how fitting this term would be. And, now that it’s June, I look back on just how much chaos my family and I survived… I don’t know about all of you, but I actually feel this time of year is […]

Adult Time…?

It’s the age old story: meet someone, start dating, fall in love, get married, have a kid or a few and that’s the end of the story, right? Wrong! If it’s one thing the Pandemic has taught my family and I is that there is a continuous need for connection with other people (or pets/animals), […]


My daughter’s cake made by Cakeology (me) Oh my goodness, time has flown by and I have so much to share with all of you! I’m not necessarily going in chronological order, but driven more by what is on my mind the most. First to share is my older daughter’s 13th birthday. Yep, I no […]

Baby Gear Lists Part 1: The Necessary Basics

So you or someone you know is expecting a little one, what an exciting time! Yet with all the excitement, the idea of caring for a little one, even if it isn’t your first, is still overwhelming. Trust me, I know! I was out of the baby game for about a decade before the Lord […]

New Year, New Challenges

For many people, year after year they set up a “New Year’s Resolution”. Many times its about weight loss or financial stability. This year, I have heard many people have decided not to set a New Year’s resolution at all because they simply never meet their goal(s).  First, try not to set a lofty goal. […]

A Holiday “Breather”

I’m posting this early because I think many of us are really starting to feel the pressure of this holiday season weighing down on us. Honestly, most of us end up feeling as if the holidays are one big sprint from Thanksgiving to New Year’s and everything that happened in between was just “lived”, not […]

Family Time vs “Phone” Time

I think most of us can relate when it comes to trying to balance spending true quality time together and time spent on electronic devices. It can be really difficult sometimes for my husband and I to pull our kids out of that “social media world”. As I am sure many of you do as […]