This post is really going to be pretty short. I merely want to explain a bit of the “radio silence” on my part. So, my dear friends and family, please bear with me as my family and I work through the loss of two loved ones within the span of a week.
Over labor day weekend, a friend of ours passed away after several years of battling cancer. This past weekend, our cousin also lost his battle to cancer. And as I sit here writing this post, I can’t help but realize that death is an oxymoron. It is both sadness and loss and joyfulness and life. Those left behind endure the empty chair and the void that was once filled by their presence, voice and laughter. And yet, our faith allows us to rejoice in the legacy they left behind, the eternal life that they have entered and our hope and joy in being reunited with them again in heaven.
Be present with your family, love and cherish as many moments as possible and live life to its fullest.
With much love,
P.S. There will be content posted, but more sporadically as we process these recent events. Thank you so much for your patience, love and support.