Well, I’m going to keep this short and sweet.

A week and a half ago I fell down someone’s front porch steps and landed myself in the ER. At the end of the day, I had a severe sprain and two chip fractures in my right ankle. At first I was really upset and mad at myself. It was stupid how I hurt myself. On top of that, the last thing my family and I needed was me out of commission. I can’t drive, my activity is limited and taking care of toddler with a broken ankle is no small feat (or “feet”…hahah!). Sorry, couldn’t help myself. 

Anyway, needless to say I found myself once again needing to lean on my village. I know they were more than happy to lend a hand, but I still felt guilty. My friends and family all have their own things going on and I was just adding to the burden.

But God always speaks through circumstances. Sometimes the hardest lesson to learn is to let go and slow down. And here I was, doing what I always do, when he sends another hard lesson my way. I…need…to…slow…down. In fact, I think we all could use this reminder. So learn from me – it’ll be less painful for you. 🙂 Try to take things slower, KiS (Keep it Simple), and let some things go. It’s okay if your house doesn’t look like a magazine and have toys strewn across the floor. It’s okay to pick and choose kids activities to be highly involved with. Don’t spread yourself too thin. And stop trying to have the “picture perfect life” and “picture perfect house”.  Truth-be-told, most of us don’t have a “picture perfect” house. And honestly, I would rather be enjoying my life more by spending it actively engaged with my family and not constantly rushing around. As a matter of fact, I’ve been to way too many funerals over the past few years (and more to come unfortunately), and do you know how many times people brought up how nice and clean the person’s house was? Never. Not once. 

Morale of the story? LIVE life to the fullest!