Wallet “Waste-Watcher” Product Recommendations
If you haven’t read my blog on Wallet “Waste-Watcher”, then feel free to check that out first and then come back here to read about these money-saving products and why I recommend them.
If you’re jumping here from my blog, then I’m so glad you’re checking out these great products. Plus we are heading into the busiest cooking, baking, food storage, gigantic meal prepping time of the year. How can you store all of it? How do you avoid forgotten leftovers (aka: food waste)? How do you keep track of what you need vs what you already have? Let’s take a look at some great products that can help with all of that!
1.) Kitchen Pantry Airtight Food Storage Containers – I really like the fact that they have a variety of sizes, they are airtight which helps maintain freshness, and they don’t break the bank in terms of cost! I love to put uncooked pasta, rice, and kids snacks (fruit snacks, Rice Krispie treats, nuts, goldfish, etc.) into these containers. The fact that they are see-through allows me to know exactly what I have and how low our supply is getting.
2.) Refrigerator Organizer Containers – This isn’t the set I have, but it is very similar. I like having clear bins to be able to see what is in the bin, I really love that they have lids so they can be stacked, and the various sizes offer lots of options. I also really like having a sturdy plastic bin to store my eggs. I usually buy my eggs in bulk, but keeping them in the big cardboard carton took up too much shelf space and were flimsy, so I used to transfer them to old one dozen egg cartons, but those get flimsy over time. With the plastic storage containers for eggs (which also have a lid) they are sturdy AND stackable!And since the
3.) Leftover Food Storage Containers – I love the fact that these containers have tight lids, are dishwasher and microwave safe, nesting for compact storage and are see-through so I can see exactly what leftovers we have to eat. It’s a great way to stay on top of what food we have in the fridge and when I have enough food, leftovers become that evening’s meal – yay, no cooking for a night!
4.) Food Vacuum Sealer – This is not a cheap item, but it’s cost savings capabilities will more than make up for the upfront cost. Food spoils more quickly with exposure to air. The vacuum sealer sucks out the air and then seals the bag shut, allowing your food to be fresh for way longer than traditional freezer bags. I have the FoodSaver model and I love it! I also love that you can seal “wet” (marinated foods) with this machine as well, so you can thaw and prepare an already seasoned meal. Pair the capabilities of this item with a deep freezer (see below) and you can stock up on items when they are offered at deep discounts, such as meats, and they will keep for a long time! You can save a few dollars by thoroughly hand washing and reusing the freezer bags until they are too small or get the occasional hole. Also, be sure to label your bags with the item inside and the date you sealed it – this way when you put it into the freezer (or deep freezer) rotate the older items to the top and put your newer items to the bottom.
5.) Deep Freezer – Again, another larger investment, but so worth it. These types of freezers are only a freezer and set to much colder temperatures, keeping your food in a much deeper freeze state. Paired with the vacuum food sealer, your food will keep for months longer and you won’t even have to worry about freezer burn! Another wonderful feature about deep freezers is they come in so many different sizes and can be a chest design or upright design. So even if you don’t have a lot of room, there are smaller options to fit in tight spaces!

Today’s product recommendation is one that is highly essential in my household – a Keurig! I know that many of you already have one, but if not or you are in the market for a new one, let me share with you why I love this particular model so much.
First, it has a decent sized reservoir for brewing multiple cups.
Secondly, it offers 5 cup size options depending on if you have a ginormous mug (like my hubby) or a normal sized mug (me!). Also, one of those options is for a travel mug, and the stand that the cup in the picture is sitting on is removable to allow you to fit your travel mug there.
Thirdly, it has a hot water selection in case you were just wanting a hot cup of tea.
Fourth, (yes, we are up to 4 great features!) it heats up very quickly and brews your coffee in less than a minute. Let’s face it, anyone with kids knows how important it is to GET YOUR COFFEE FAST!
Fifth, it has the option to allow you to make an iced coffee – a feature that my daughter absolutely LOVES!
Sixth, there are a few color options to choose from to suit your kitchen’s (or the office) decor.
And last, but certainly not least, it is currently on sale. Normally this fancy guy here is $189.99, but right now Amazon has it on sale for $119.99. Click here or on the image to the left to be taken directly to this product on Amazon and give someone the gift of sanity…and coffee…but mostly sanity this holiday season.
On a more personal note, I gave up coffee for lent once….my family told me I was never allowed to do that again! So you see, coffee is for everyone – makes mommy happy and operational, which keeps kids and hubby alive. 😉
Happy Holidays and God Bless!
If you haven’t read my blog on Family Time vs. Phone Time, then please hop on over and give it a quick read because today’s product recommendations are board games!
Now we all know the holidays are coming, plus there are a ton of pre-season sales (e.g.: Amazon and Kohls are hosting pre-holiday sales starting today) and I have heard a lot of people asking for gift ideas. Board games are a great idea and there are so many to choose from, plus they can give you a reprieve from electronic devices! So here are few that my family loves:
- Mansions of Madness – This game does require a computer or laptop and internet connection. What we love about this cooperative game is that it requires solving puzzles, strategy among all the players, multiple scenarios/story-lines and evolving game play based on your decisions. It also has a lot of expansion sets for additional game play.
- Shadow Hunters – This is a semi-cooperative game that requires you to figure out who is on your team/who is your opponent and strategically fulfilling your win condition. It is also a fairly quick game to play.
- Pandemic – This is another cooperative game where strategy is key to eradicating viral outbreaks before they get out of control. Think Risk meets Covid. This game also has several expansions for additional game play.
- Ticket to Ride – There are many versions of this game, and it’s a great way to introduce younger children to geography, counting and math skills, and strategy development.
Some other games that we also enjoy and are worth checking out are: Don’t Tell the Crew the Captain is Dead, Firefly, Dead of Winter, Settlers of Catan, and Villainous. There are TON more games that we play, but I think this is a great starting point and I’ll be happy to provide more recommendations in the future!
So, whatever type of board game you like, what is truly great about them are the skills they teach in a fun and creative platform. And their greatest value is bringing friends and family together in the process.
Click on the image to the left to be directed to various board games sold on Amazon, which many are on sale now during their pre-holiday sale. But I also LOVE to support local businesses, so if you live near West Chester, PA, there is an awesome game store called The Games Keep, LLC – totally worth a visit!
My next product recommendation is something that I wish they had 16 years ago when I had our first child – the backpack diaper dag with changing station. This bag is awesome!!! At first I didn’t think I would use the changing station that often. I thought it would be difficult and cumbersome considering I would have to open it up while holding an infant or toddler in one arm. Honestly, it was really easy! The side supports are like tent posts, if you are familiar with them/enjoy camping. This means that there are two bars on each side and there is a bungee-like cord that runs through them, allowing for stretch/rotation. When they line up in the middle they sort of snap into place and create a rigid bar that holds up the mesh sides of the changing station. I will admit that it took a few tries to collapse them and close the changing station back up, but once you play around with it, you’ll get the hang of it. There is also a really nice pad insert with a cover that can be removed and washed…because babies are messy….
In addition to the changing station, the front pocket is insulated for bottles. There is a side pocket with a slit in it to put a wipes package for easy access.
The inside of the bag has a nice, wide opening, lots of space, and several inside pockets for storage.
Another great feature are the two velcro straps near the backpack straps. These can be used to loop around the handle of your stroller so you don’t have to carry the backpack if you don’t want to. Trust me, when you are out on a warm day it’s nice to have the option to not have the backpack hanging on your back.
Lastly, the model I have also has a charging pack for my cell phone. A handy feature when you forget to charge your phone at home….
Overall, the features with this particular item make this diaper backpack versatile, highly functional, lots of storage space, and I have been impressed with its durability. Well worth the purchase. Click here to be directed to this product on Amazon or click on the image and you’ll be directed to a wide variety of diaper backpacks. Enjoy!
As we, parents, frantically prepare for back-to-school, I have to recommend this product. The Jansport Backpack. All three of my kiddos have had one since elementary/preschool. We purchased them all at the same time, so my oldest was in 3rd grade, middle child was in 1st and the youngest, back then, was in preschool. They still use them to this day and they have held up. They have a large selection to choose from with lots of different features – water bottle holders, laptop sections, fabric designs…you name it! They can be found at local stores near you or click Amazon Jansport or on the backpack image to the left to be directed to a bunch of different types and styles sold on Amazon.

In my Easy Recipes section, I posted a sauteed corn recipe that I love to make. Many times I will use this recipe when the corn isn’t sweet or flavorful and I need to doctor it so my family and I will eat it…because I hate throwing food away. So, this brings me to my product recommendation: the corn cob peeler.
This tool has really saved me time (and my fingers) when it comes to cutting the kernels off of corn cobs. I also love this tool because it is super easy to use and clean up. My one kiddo can’t eat corn-on-the-cob due to his braces (and soon I’m going to have another in braces!) and because this tool is so easy to use, my kids can even use it. Now I have the Pampered Chef version of this tool, which runs about $14 plus shipping, but if you click on Amazon Corn Cob Peeler you will be directed to a bunch of different styles and at prices to fit any budget. Trust me, if you have kids in braces (or going to be) or even elderly parents/grandparents with dentures who can’t chew the kernels off, this product is a life saver!
I absolutely love Simple Joy by Carters’ footie pj’s with the two-way zipper (click on the text or image to be directed to this specific product). If you live in an area that has cold winters, this product is for you! When you need to change your baby in the middle of the night, rather than having to unzip them all the way, you can just unzip from their ankle upwards as far as you need to change their diaper. This let’s your little one stay as warm as possible during those middle-of-the-night adventures! While I prefer Carter’s, with their tagless apparel and soft material, you can click here to be directed to all different brands on Amazon. And there are still Prime Day deals to be had!
I received this exact stretchy, jersey knit changing pad cover set for my sprinkle and have been so impressed with it. The fabric has held up through baby accidents, washings, and my cats, who like to lounge on them! In fact, they are so soft that my kids and I wish our bed sheets were made from this material! Click here or on the image to be directed to this product. Click on Amazon to be directed to a bunch of different brands and styles of changing pad covers.
A great gift for anyone, but especially someone who is pregnant, is a body pillow. What I love about this pillow is that it not only supports a growing tummy, but it wraps all the way around the back, providing additional support there as well. Also, the length allows for the pillow to go between your knees, which helps to keep your back aligned and removes stress from the hip area. You may not realize this, but pregnancy actually loosens your joints via a hormone called Relaxin. This hormone helps prepare the body for birth – allowing the joints to stretch during labor is critical. But this can cause a lot of discomfort, especially leading up to the big day. So this pillow is a must-have to help you throughout the pregnancy. Click here or on the image to be directed to Amazon for some great pillows and deals.
The first of many shopping sales begins tomorrow! That’s right, tomorrow starts Prime Day! So, if you are a new parent, putting together a shower gift, or you just need to restock, my next product recommendation is actually a combination of products. Diaper rash creams! Pretty much every baby gets red and/or rashy down on their bottom, and there are definitely creams out there that work better than others. I have found that using the following combination when a rash appears, especially at night, helps the skin heal really fast. In fact, many times my little one will wake up, even with a soggy wet diaper, and the rash is gone. So here’s my trick:

Once you are done wiping/cleaning off your little one’s bottom, smear a layer of the brown A+D Ointment all over the rash and redness. Yes, that is the stinky, greasy, brown version of the A+D Ointment brand (there is also a white version, which I do not like as much). Then smear on overtop of the brown ointment a layer of Triple Paste Medicated Ointment.
The longest period of time I have really had to do this is about a day and half before the diaper rash and irritation is completely gone. I have also noticed that my baby’s diaper rashes usually appear after slightly abnormal bowel movements, which tend to occur when she’s sick or teething.
Please keep in mind, I only do this when my baby actively has a rash or red and sensitive bottom. You do not want to overdo a good thing. Also, if your baby’s rash isn’t getting better after a few days (or it is getting worse), always consult your pediatrician…there could be something else going on.
Since becoming a mommy again after 12 years of raising children, things have certainly changed! From car seat safety to baby food/formula, diaper options, organic eco-friendly materials, and new age swaddler outfits. The changes were overwhelming to say the least! So, in this product discussion (of many), I’m going to shed some light on an item that has been a game changer for my husband and me. When I originally put it on my registry, which was through Amazon by the way, I thought of it as more of a luxury item and not really a necessity. In fact, I felt guilty about having it on there. Well that opinion has changed!
“What is it?” you ask. First of all, aside from us having had our fair share of medical problems, we did the whole “newborn parent” thing with our older three when we were in our twenties. Now that we are in our forties and starting over, our perspective has changed on what we find the most helpful. And grandparents, if you’re reading this, this is for you too! When you are raising small children, think about how many times you are down on the floor playing, picking up toys, or even giving a bath. At a young age, no big deal. But now that I’m older, let’s just say I don’t get up as fast as I used to. Also, my knees really hate the floor…
So…(drumroll please), my very first product recommendation is a knee and elbow pad set. My husband and I have been using this pad set for almost a year and a half and it has held up amazingly! It dries out quickly when we use it at bath time and the suction cups on the elbow pad hold on to the sides of the tub really well. The pads are nice and thick, providing a firm cushion against the hard tile floors and porcelain edges of the tub. With the loops and suctions cups, you can hang them on hooks to dry. You could even use the knee pad during playtime – trust me, your knees will thank you!
Click on the image or here to be directed to this item on Amazon.