Every year, at this same time, I always marvel at just how quickly the summer has past. (Well, how quickly time in general passes.) I feel like we just started summer. I had all these plans and things that would be great to do, friends to have BBQ’s with…and, somehow, we didn’t get to most of them. To be honest, the kids’ schedules kept us busier than they typically have in the past. But as we approach the start of school, I can’t help but feel as though I wish we had done more together. I’m not even sure what that would be, but I do know that as my children get older I just want more and more time with them. Ironic considering this is the time in their lives where they begin to pull away – whether that’s due to activities or wanting to just hang out with their friends.
I know, I know, there are many of you who have grown children and are sitting there thinking, “just wait until they are adults!”. Well, it is precisely that thought that drives me to continue to plan family time. One night on the weekend we do dinner and a movie in our family room. Usually that is our Friday night, but during football/marching band season that’s out, so we shift to Sunday and do dinner and a movie or Eagles game. We also host a game night about once a month with our cousins and my kiddos love it!
So, whatever your family’s leisure preferences are, make sure you plan time together regularly. One day, your kids won’t be down the hall in their bedroom or playing in the yard. The house will be quiet and your heart will ache and you will miss “the noise”.